Since the beginning of this unprecedented pandemic, there has been so much loss, anxiety, and separation. The promise of Covid Vaccines, reuniting with friends and family, and ability to recreate normal as we see fit has a familiar aroma...You can smell CHANGE in the air. See the light at the end of a very dark tunnel. We for so long have been looking forward to tomorrow. The message: The past is in the rearview on the HIGHWAY of time. INSPIRATION is the fuel to the future and we have arrived... TOMORROW IS TODAY !!! LET'S LIVE !!!

Creative Team
Kyle "JustSole"Clark
Dinita "Queen Dinita" Clark

Trey Singletary
Ella Brockway
Asa Wells
Khamari Louissaint
Natalie Devlin
Kayla Rognoni
Tia Mellerson

Music / Sound Credits
High Way by DJ Kaywise ft. Phyno
Inspiration by Kerri Chandler